成果推介:我院龙杰助理教授在SCI Q1期刊Acta Astronautica(《宇航学报》)(2024-JCR-SCI Q1)发表高水平论文

Obligations and liabilities concerning the active removal of foreign space debris:

 A global governance perspective

6月19日,我院龙杰老师携课题组研究助理黄楚潆在Acta Astronautica期刊(《宇航学报》)(2024-JCR-SCI Q1)发表题为“Obligations and liabilities concerning the active removal of foreign space debris: A global governance perspective”一文,深圳大学法学院为独立完成单位。该文从全球外空环境治理的视角分析了空间碎片治理的现状和相关国际法问题,并提出了空间碎片主动移除全球机制构建的对策建议。

Acta Astronautica(《宇航学报》)是国际宇航科学院(IAA)唯一官方学术期刊,涵盖与和平利用外层空间相关的空间科学、技术、工程、生命、社会科学等成果,是国际宇航学界有较大影响力和权威性的研究性学术期刊。该期刊文章主题主要集中于自然科学领域,社科类文章主要关注航天领域的跨学科研究成果。

Abstract: Eliminating space debris in valuable Earth orbits is an urgent challenge for the sustainable development of outer space, and active removal is considered the most effective measure for debris elimination. In terms of legal jurisdiction, any country intending to remove space debris belonging to other countries undergoes a legality review encompassing obligations and liabilities. According to the fundamental principles of international space law, both threatened and capable countries possess the right to actively remove identifiable space debris of foreign nations, subject to strict legal obligations towards the registry country unless authorized by the United Nations, granted an agreement on jurisdiction transfer of debris, or justified by emergency necessity. Moreover, active removal may result in third-party space objects or personnel damage, imposing a substantial liability burden that could restrict space operation. Henceforth, it is imperative to establish a more rational legal regime for space liability allocation purposes. The international community can establish a mechanism for liability sharing and cross-waiver agreements among relevant countries while also considering potential fund establishment, involvement of non-governmental entities in cost-sharing efforts, and promoting commercial recycling initiatives as potentially motivating measures towards active removal.